Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Frugal Eath Day Treat

This will be our snack today. Earth Rice Krispie Treats. I got the Rice Krispies from Wal-Mart the other night in the clearance isle for $1.50. On the package was a peelie for a free bag of marshmallows! I made 2 pans of Rice Krispies. One green and one blue. Once they cooled I just mixed the two colors together and made a ball! So easy.

1/4 cup margarine or butter
4 cups mini mashmallows
6 cups Rice Krispies

Heat butter and marshmallows over medium heat till melted. Stir in food coloring if desired. Add 6 cups Rice Krispies. Remove from heat and stir. Pour into greased 9X11 pan to cool.


  1. These are neat! We all enjoy rice krispie treats in our household! I will have to save this!

  2. That is so creative! I wish I had seen it earlier, I would have tried it.
