Most of the time buying in bulk can save you money. This is especially true when purchasing meat since there usually isn't very many coupons out there for meat. Buying a whole chicken will be cheaper then buying just chicken breast and you will be getting more meat. Here are a few suggestions for planning meals with leftovers.
~1st Meal Oven roasted chicken dinner
~2nd Meal Chicken sandwiches, BBQ chicken or chicken noodle soup
Roast Beef
~1st Meal Crockpot Roast Beef dinner
~2nd Meal Cold roast beef sandwiches, BBQ sandwiches or French dips
~1st Meal Roasted turkey dinner
~2nd Meal Turkey sandwiches, pot pies or tetrazinni
~1st Meal Sliced ham dinner
~2nd Meal Ham sandwiches, breakfast casserole, omelet or ham and potato soup
~1st Meal Meatloaf dinner
~2nd Meal Meatloaf sandwiches or crumble up the loaf and add to spaghetti sauce or use for toppings on a homemade pizza
Great! Thank you for sharing.Hugs, Bobbi Jo
ReplyDeleteThere was one week that my husband and I roasted a chicken and created 6 different meals with it. There are only 2 of us to feed, but it was the only meat we used all week.
ReplyDeleteI definitely need to get better at figuring out how to serve items a second time without serving them as leftovers. Thanks for the ideas!