Friday, January 7, 2011

30 Days of Nothing Day 7

We have survived the first week of the challenge. We didn't step into one store this week and it felt really good. This weekend I will need to get some milk and yogurt. I found a gallon of milk in the basement fridge yesterday so that bought me a couple more days. We are rationing it out to make it last as long as we can. Our fridge is starting to look a little bare. Maybe I should clean it once it gets a little more cleared out.

The kids are doing a really good job keeping lights off and making sure doors get closed tight. We had to review recycling. I was finding paper and yogurt containers in the trash. Hopefully they are a little more aware now.

I keep an old coffee can next to the kitchen sink for food scraps. Once it is full the kids dump it into a 5 gallon bucket we have on the back deck. Once that is full we take it out to the compost pile. Some of the scraps get taken to the chickens.

The kids are really wanting to use some gift cards that they received for Christmas. I am making them wait. They haven't complained too much. I think they know I won't hear it.

Overall I am feeling really proud of us. So far it has been a positive experience and I am not missing much.


  1. Your week is going better than mine. I went to lunch with a friend because I couldn't say no. So now I have to sell something or make up the money somehow. AHHH. Oh well.

  2. I am interested in reading a bit more about your 30 Days of Nothing. I'm jealous you have chickens.
