Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Starting Them Early!

Your never too young to start clipping coupons!
Hey, it works for me! I could always use the help!

Visit We are That Family for more Works for Me Wednesday!


  1. I bet they love helping! What a great idea!

  2. has he graduated to sorting them yet?

  3. But are the coupons usable after they cut them out? Mine don't cut on the lines well enough yet.

  4. My daughter usually destroys coupons while she's trying to help so I let her help with the ones that I don't really plan to use. That way she can help without ruining my good coupons.

    She's also good at finding the blinkies and peelies in the stores. We've made it a game and now she loves to find them and get new coupons for mommy.

  5. Yeah, he only cuts the coupons I am not going to be using. This particular day he spotted the Diego Yogurt cups and was concentrating on cutting that coupon. He did really well staying on the dotted lines!

  6. Awww, I love having my son help with things. There's a great photo of him cutting potatoes for potato salad at my site, www.kitchenstewardship.com from last week. Thanks!

  7. Very cute picture! My kids love to cut things out - especially when they are 4 and 5. They get excited about cutting out coupons and helping mom. Thanks for the reminder. I haven't had them do that in a while.

    My latest post: Deceived by Complacency

  8. I never thought about this. My daughter would be perfect at it!
