Doritos $2.49
Hamburger Buns $.50
Foil $1.89
Seedless Watermelon $2.99
Grapes 1.61 lb $1.59
Grapes 1.14 lb $1.13
Braeburn Apples 2.70 lb $1.86
Golden Apples 2.32 lb $2.30
Bananas 2.25 lb $1.19
Bananas $1.48
Strawberries 2.25 lb $2.23
Strawberries 4.05 lb $4.01
Oscar Mayer Shaved Turkey $2.50-.75 MC=$1.75
Oscar Mayer Shaved Chicken $2.50-.75MC=$1.75
Tomato $.34
Skim Milk $2.27
Ground Beef 4 lb $7.62
Total Spent $37.50
I also made a trip to Target. I was glad I went there. They had there bulk packages on clearance for 15% off. They were already starting to get pretty picked over. I happened to stumble on some Purex laundry detergent (the brand I happen to prefer) It was previously marked for $5.64 and clearanced at $2.82, 50% off. This was a heck of a deal so I stocked up and grabbed 8 bottles!
I also got (2) 3 packs of Ziplocks baggies for $3.38 each and used my $1.00/2 MC making them .79 each. And I picked up 3 packages of stew meat that were marked $4.42-$4.78 with $2.00 peelies on them making them all under $3 each. I also got 5 loaves of bread, 2 packages of waffles, 2 packages of lunch meat and 4 lb of bananas.
Total Spent before coupons $63.05
Total spent $55.05
Total spent for the week $92.55
Linked to the Grocery Cart Challenge and Super Savings Saturday at Money Saving Mom.
Wow, I really wished we had a Fareway in Fayetteville. Sigh!!