Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chicken Update

I haven't updated on the girls for awhile. They are still doing great. This will be my first winter taking care of them and honestly I am not looking forward to it. Thankfully I have lots of help.

We put a ladder up to the nesting boxes and my youngest son makes it his priority to check for eggs each morning at least once. The birds have been so desperate to get out and roam that they have started flying out of the boxes as soon as the kids open the latch. You can see one of them peeking out in the picture below. In the other picture is a Plymouth Rock that was lucky enough to escape. It has been chilly but so far we have still been letting them out in the afternoons to forage a bit. They always seem to wonder up on the deck looking for any sort of treat.
We have set up a lamp inside the chicken house to supply the birds with a few more hours of light. The lamp has helped with egg production. We are still getting about 5-8 eggs per day.


  1. I would love to have chickens if we lived out of the city. I just hate paying for eggs. We are lucky enough to have a family member who gives us farm fresh eggs, in exchange of course for our left over foods to organically feed those chickens. :)
