Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Saving Money on Produce

I like to use coupons when I buy groceries.  However I find more often than not that most coupons are for products I don't use or products that are unhealthy.  You very rarely find coupons for fruits or vegetables.

So what are some ways you can save money on produce?

Grow as much as you can yourself.  Having your own garden is inexpensive, healthy, and puts food right at your fingertips.

Buy in season.  Not all produce grows year round.  Strawberries at the store a couple weeks ago were $3.99/lb.  If I wait till Summer I can get them for $.99/lb.  Stick to what's in season for maximum savings.

Buy in large quantity if you find a good deal.  You can always freeze or can the extra.  I've bought pears, apples, and peaches in large quantities while they were in season.  We eat what we can while they are fresh and I preserve the rest.  I've done the same with strawberries and blueberries.  We eat what we can and then I freeze what's left.  Frozen berries are perfect for smoothies.  You can enjoy produce year round without paying the extra cost.

Buy at Farmer's markets.  Usually you can find a fair deal through local farmers.  Plus it's always good to buy local.

Pick your own farms.  Some farmers allow you to come to their land and pick your own produce.  If you are local to my area (Des Moines, IA) here is a great link from the ISU extension office for pick your own farms.

Watch for sales.  Of course you can always watch your local stores for sales on produce.  Plan your meals around the produce that is on sale and/or in season at the time.

How do you save money on produce?


  1. I love shopping at Aldi! They usually have the best prices on produce; and pretty much anything else. Sometimes they'll have unadvertised sales on potatoes: 10lbs. for $1.99! You never know what exciting things you'll find there! I agree with everything you said. I can hardly wait to start my seedlings! Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!

  2. We are vendors at our small local farmers' market. Love to get our produce locally as much as possible. Last year one of my customers was planning a trip to Missouri to get a load of peaches (MO peaches are better than IA peaches and closer than GA peaches). He asked if I wanted to purchase a box. Of course agreed and then had to learn how to freeze peaches. Peach crisp in the winter that still has the taste of fresh peaches is just mouth watering.

    I'm so happy to see you back up and going Sara. I cleaned out some blogs a few months ago and left yours on my list in the hopes that I'd see more from you someday. We've never met, but I used to use this blog to plan my grocery trips. I enjoy all of your posts and you inspire me to do better with eating healthy and saving money.

    1. Thank you so much~ That is so nice to hear. I appreciate you sticking around with me!
